10 Eylül 2019 Salı

Earn Money with Appdown (over iphone, ipad and android)

Appdown is an application, allows you download application over it and earn money like Featurepoints. There is one difference from Featurepoints that you dont collect points in this application, you directly earn money $. And if you check the rates of downloadable applications we can say Appdown let you earn more than Featurepoints.

To start earning money, just click the link below. In the opening page you just need to enter email address and need to set a password for yourself

When you click this link and sign up, you will start earning 1 $ for your first application download.

There is also a referral program in this application. When you have more referrals, you will get percents of your referral's downloads.

Level 1-> %10
Level 2 -> %20
Level 3 -> %50

When you have 10$ in your account, you can transfer your money to your Paypal account.

After downloading applications, do not forget to open and use application for 15-20 seconds to earn the money.

You can earn money from your iphone, ipad and android vehicles.

As i told at the top, to start 1$ earning just click the link below and sign up.

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